We are pleased to announce the launch of “Osaka Virtual Tour"

The new tour will start from Wednesday, July 29, 2020.
It’s made possible with the cooperation of many Osaka locals and filled with Osakan spirit.
There are time travel, quizzes and many more.
Let’s explore Osaka and have fun together!

Tour can be booked right here: https://www.viator.com/tours/Osaka/Osaka-virtual-tour/d333-22288P16

See you soon!


All Star Osaka Walk started the “Virtual Kyoto Tour" for those people who can not wait until all the relaxation of travel restrictions.
It is a fun and informative tour with quizzes.
There are valuable give away too!

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We hope to see you soon on screen and for real the next time.

新型コロナウィルスの影響で約二ヶ月の間緊急事態宣言下にありましたが、5月25日月曜日にようやく全面解除となりました。未だ自由な移動に制限がある中、バーチャルで京都に来ていただきたく「Kyoto Virtual Tour」をスタートしました。楽しいツアーですが京都についてや英語の勉強にもなりますので是非ご参加ください。上のURLからかこのHPの問い合わせよりお申込みください。

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The state of emergency was lifted throughout Japan on Monday, May 25th after two months.
Reflecting this, Japanese government and the Osaka prefectural government are relaxing stay-at-home request and shops and restaurants are gradually reopening who had been voluntary closed by request from authorities.
